歷史照片修復分享會 Sharing on how to Restore Historic Photos | 獅墨書店Lion's Ink Books
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歷史照片修復分享會 Sharing on how to Restore Historic Photos

歷史照片修復分享會 Sharing on how to Restore Historic Photos
歷史照片修復分享會 Sharing on how to Restore Historic Photos


2022年12月29日 下午8:00 – 下午9:30

獅墨書店, 香港灣仔軒尼詩道302-308號集成中心G2B


講歷史,好多時淨係用文字描述,係唔夠嘅。唔單止係因為長文好悶,仲係因為文字未必可以將所有細節都全部呈現。但係如果有當時流落嚟嘅舊相,就可以將果個年代嘅畫面鉅細無遺咁記錄落嚟,即使係原拍攝者自己都無注意到嘅部分,都會被張相記錄低。著名香港史網站Gwulo.com 嘅創辦人David 今次就為我哋帶嚟一系列嘅香港舊相,同大家仔細睇每一個細節。 但係,舊相通常都有一個問題,就係畫質太差。當時嘅攝影技術無咁發達,影出嚟往往都好矇,仲要係黑白。不過!而家原來已經有好多新嘅技術,可以幫助修復翻過去嘅影像。David 今次都會分享佢用咗咩技術令書入面啲圖片清晰翻,還原本身景物嘅細節。 Sometimes, it’s not enough to discuss history with plain texts. Long articles themselves are not as attractive as a start, but sometimes it’s difficult to present every detail with words. Old photos, however, capture every tiny bit of the scene, including those the photographers themselves were not aware of. In this talk, David from the well-known Hong Kong history website, Gwulo.com, will share a series of photos of old Hong Kong, and to look at the information we can find from these photos. That being said, old photos often had a problem. Given the technology of the time, those black-and-white photos usually have a very low resolution, making identifications of persons and places very difficult. The good news is, we have better technologies today that make historians’ lives easier. David will also share with us in this talk how he digitally restored the old photos in the latest reprint of his books. 嘉賓 Speaker:David Bellis Gwulo.com 創辦人 Founder of Gwulo.com @gwulo_hk 日期Date:29-12-2022 時間Time:20:00-21:30 地點Venue:獅墨書店 Lion’s Ink Bookstore 灣仔軒尼詩道302-8號集成中心G2B舖 G2B CC Wu Building, 302-8 Hennessy Road 收費Cost:$100(附$20書券 including a $20 book coupon) *活動將以英語進行 *The event will be conducted in English


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