Terms and Conditions
How it works
All product prices in this store are calculated in Hong Kong dollars.
All product prices are as shown on the date of purchase.
The product pictures displayed on our website are for reference only.
Before placing an order, please carefully confirm the product style and quantity.
After placing an order, you will receive an order confirmation email from our store. Generally speaking, our store will deliver the goods within three working days (for local customers) after confirming the order and receiving the payment.
If you choose to pay by PayMe or FPS, please pay according to the instructions after placing the order, and send the payment proof (such as a screenshot of the transfer confirmation screen) to us by email or private message on the website, and attach the order number. We will only send the books after the payments have been received.
After we send your books, you will receive a shipping confirmation email, but the actual arrival time depends on the courier company or postal service.
We may not include the tracking number in our confirmation emails due to administration costs. Please contact us if there is a problem with your parcel.
Payment Methods
We accept credit cards (including MasterCard, Visa, American Express and UnionPay), PayPal, PayMe and FPS, and do not accept Octopus, Google Pay, Apple Pay or Alipay for the time being.
If you choose to pay by PayMe or FPS, please pay according to the instructions after placing the order, and send the payment proof (such as a screenshot of the transfer confirmation screen) to us by email or private message on the website, and attach the order number. We will only send the books after the payments have been received.
By completing an online transaction, you agree and accept the terms and conditions of the third-party payment service. The third-party payment service will collect your personal and payment information.
Our store shall not access your payment information.
If you endured any losses due to online transactions, please contact the relevant third-party payment service, as we are not responsible for the payment process.
Our store provides local and overseas delivery services, while face-to-face delivery is unavailable.
In principle, we do not provide delivery to China.
If you choose local delivery, our store uses SF Express to deliver the books, and the cost will be paid by you to the courier company when you receive the package. We do not charge additional fees.
If you choose overseas delivery, our use Hong Kong Post to deliver the books, and the shipping fee will be calculated according to the weight of the books and the location of delivery at checkout. If you need the books to be delivered by other means (such as a courier company of your choice), you can specify, and we will charge you the difference before delivery.
After we send the books, you will receive a shipping confirmation email, but the actual arrival time depends on the courier company or postal service.
If the store receives an order, but we do not have sufficient stock, we will place the order with the supplier immediately, and the goods will be shipped accordingly. The store will arrange a refund by the original payment method if the relevant products cannot be ordered.
If you find that the goods are seriously damaged or not what you ordered after receiving the goods, you can send a report to us, and we will issue new ones.
Except for the above reasons, we do not accept any refund requests.
In case of any dispute, the Lion's Ink Bookstore reserves the right of final decision.
Purchasing in large quantities (15 books or more)
If the store receives an order, but we do not have sufficient stock, we will place the order with the supplier immediately, and the goods will be shipped accordingly. The store will arrange a refund by the original payment method if the relevant products cannot be ordered.
If you find that the goods are seriously damaged or not what you ordered after receiving the goods, you can send a report to us, and we will issue new ones.
Except for the above reasons, we do not accept any refund requests.
In case of any dispute, the Lion's Ink Bookstore reserves the right of final decision.